Pepper Spray Expert Inventor of Pepper Spray
Kamran Loghman (pronounced Cameron Logman) is the inventor of weapon grade pepper spray technology for law enforcement application. He is the leading expert in federal court proceedings regarding Tear-Gases, Pepper Sprays (OC) and Mace, and has appeared in numerous courts of law as an expert witness on cases with high media exposure.
Kamran Loghman is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Zarc International, Inc. (Maryland Corporation) 1988 to 2005, the manufacturer of various Pepper Spray devices for use by law enforcement and military. ZARC's client list comprise of elite law enforcement and military agencies including the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, US Secret Service, US Marshals Service, US Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Custom and Border Protection and the Department of Homeland Security.
At ZARC, Kamran Loghman closely managed technical projects and teams of scientists including toxicologist, chemist, engineers, and researchers from conceptualization to final product and manufacturing. He holds various patents in the areas of chemical formulation, liquid projectile, and molded dispersion methods for spray delivery systems. He was instrumental in the FBI study of chemical agents and OC (1989) and assisted the California Department of Justice in Sacramento (Firearms Program Division of Law Enforcement) in its development of pepper spray specifications, standards, and application protocols for use by California law enforcement (1991-1992). He assisted GIAT in France (world's largest land manufacturer of military arsenal) regarding development of rapid-fire OC weapon systems (1994) and the US Army Dugway Proving Ground in the chemical and biological evaluation of OC-based products for use in riot control. He has also consulted with various organizations including Lockheed Martin in the development of unmanned spray delivery systems (1999 and 2004).
Kamran Loghman has supervised and managed various government contracts, reviewed agency use of force policy and responded to complex technical inquiries. He is highly familiar with various uses of force policies including the FBI, US Marshall Service, U.S. Custom and Border Protection and others, to facilitate procurement at ZARC, in addition to developing training guidelines (1991 to 2000). He was directly instrumental in training and certifying more than 4,000 law enforcement officers nationwide.
Expert Services
Kamran Loghman provides Expert Services and Consulting in all aspects of Pepper Sprays (Oleoresin Capsicum OC), Tear-Gases (Orthochlorobenzylidenemalononitrile - CS) and Mace (Chloroacetophenone CN). He provides professional opinion, expert testimony, analysis, and consulting in the following areas:
Physiological Effects
First aid
Safety and Hazards
Application and Misuse
Improper Use
Propellant or Gas Analysis
Active Ingredient Analysis
Carrier or Solvent Analysis
Spray Mechanism
Spray Pattern
Spray Range
Volume Discharge Analysis
Quality Control Analysis
Incident Video and Image Analysis
Kamran Loghman holds several patents including Formulation and Novel Solvent System, Actuator, Container Storage and Retrieval System and Delivery System and Method.
US Patents: # D469014 #6145654 #6595393 #6981616 #7270802
Government Consulting
Kamran Loghman has consulted with various government agencies including but not limited to:
FBI Academy Quantico, VA
Oleoresin Capsicum Study
Riot Control Agents
National Stock Derivatives
Use of Force, Standards & Application Protocols
NATO's Weapon Systems
Kamran Loghman has authored various technical manuals, some of which form the basis for training protocols at the FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center), FBI Academy, U.S. Custom and Border Protection, Secret Service, and the US Air Force Military Police.
"Chemical Agents Law Enforcement and Military" (1993 - 2001). A definitive technical manual on chemicals agents, used for training curriculum at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. Zarc International, Inc. Bethesda, Maryland.
"Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol Operation Guide" (1993 - 2001). Comprehensive coverage of the use of force, proper application, decontamination, and post application. Zarc International, Inc. Bethesda, Maryland.
"CAP-STUN Certification Program" (2002) Law Enforcement training certification program and instructor licensing. Zarc International, Inc. Bethesda, Maryland.
"History of Capsicum Chili Pepper". February 2011
"Chili Pepper Capsaicin and Capsaicinoids". February 2011
"Chili Pepper and Oleoresin Capsicum". February 2011
"CR Tear Gas Dibenzoxazepine". February 2011
"CS Tear Gas Orthochlorobenzylidenemalononitrile". February 2011
"CN Tear Gas Chloroacetophenone". February 2011
"DM Tear Gas Diphenylaminochlorarsine". February 2011